About Me

Well hello there!

My name is Mandy and here is a little bit about me:

I'm married to an amazing man of God, who is quite handsome I might add.  I'm the mother to a beautiful little girl whom I home school and handsome twin boys who keep me on my toes! Back in April of 2008 I started making and selling hair accessories, wipe cases and other items for babies/toddlers/little girls. This brought about Luxe Babies.  I sold Luxe Babies online for a few years and now I make and sell Luxe Babies hair accessories for a local boutique called Bella Grace.

On January 13, 2012 I started an Etsy shop called Luxey Leg Candy where I make lace accented leg warmers and knee socks for teens/women. I love the updated version of leg warmers, especially when worn with boots, and in March 2012,  after seeing all the socks with heels on the runways, I added a pretty lace knee sock that can be worn with heels.

I decided to start Life Songs Of A Busy Mom so I could share my life, thoughts, ideas, products and recipes with others. I am a true believer that no craft, recipe, DIY project, or great product should be kept to yourself. It's much more fun when we all share ideas and help one another out...especially as mothers. I also love to connect with other moms and hear their ideas. Thus, the blog was born.

Blogging certainly helps with the advertisement of my shops and it also lets my customers see that, just like them, I'm a busy mom too. I'm a one woman show when it comes to my shop, and I think people appreciate buying a handcrafted item that they know was made with care and love.

My goal for my shops/blog is for them to continue to be blessed. My prayer is that what I do, I do it for the glory of my Lord and that He will be pleased with my endeavors.  My prayer is that He will open doors that no man can shut, and that my readers and customers will see Jesus through me.

Please feel free to contact me or comment on my posts. I love hearing from my readers and it truly makes my day when someone thanks me for what I do. I love to help others, and if I can help even just one person, then it makes it all worthwhile.


  1. Oh my! HOW sweet is your family?! These photos are too precious doll...you are truly, truly blessed!!

  2. Awe, well thank you so very very much! :)

  3. This blog is awesome...you are doing a great job! I am amazed at all you accomplish with 3 kids ( homeschooling mom, business owner, and mother of twin boys to top it off). You definitely help inspire me to create things that I love and share them with people...but how do you have time to do it all?

  4. Hi Daura! How are you?!?!? Thank you so very much for your kind words. As far as having time to do it all, I simply don't most days lol. Most days my house is a wreck and the kids are crazy and it takes everything in me just to get though the day ha ha. I'm quite the night owl, so I like to blog and work on my Etsy shop orders then. I've been known to vacuum at 1am as well lol. Feel free to post the things you make on my FB. I love seeing new things made by other moms! Hope all is well with you and your beautiful family!

    God Bless!

  5. Love what you have done with your blog, and you should be so proud of all your accomplishments. Great things happen to great people.

  6. Hi Mandy, I work with Rebecca and today she turned my onto your site. I just want to say I LOVE it! This will be my new addiction. Thanks for doing this blog. Gerri Fentress

  7. Thank you so much Gerri, I'm glad you enjoy it!

  8. Glad to have found you! I'm a food blogger a little bit south of you, in Pocomoke. Always looking for new crafty ideas, so I'll definitely be back :)

  9. You have a beautiful family! What a great blog! You are truly an inspiration!

  10. I just found your blog and I am loving it. You and your family are so cute! I am also going to try your weight loss product you use and promote. Can't wait! Keep upmthe great blog!
    Christine (San Jose, CA)

  11. I have twins, too! We're starting home school this Fall. eeeks! :) I look forward to following your posts.

  12. Chrissy I am so excited to read about your lovely daughters! Let me know how home schooling goes...you can do it! :)

  13. Your family is adorable. I have a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old twin girls. They keep me on my toes...I came across your blog looking for safe hardwood cleaners. THANK YOU! It inspires me to see someone else who is working at making her home and family a happy place.

  14. Mandy,

    Thank you for your video on value. Loved it.


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